Archive for thought forms

The Basics of the Thought Form

Posted in Thoughts and rants with tags , , , , , , , , , , on November 28, 2010 by Eyeless

Would one be surprised, when discovering that thoughts generate vibrations in the mental body of the aura? (brief explanation needed: what is an aura?) Everything has an aura; aura is the radiating energy that surrounds everything, and everyone has an individual aura. The mental body of the aura is consistent of four layers: the Etheric, the Astral, the Mental and the Spiritual body, and these extend from the physical body (consistent of the three layers solid, liquid and gas). Everything but the physical body is considered unseen to the untrained eye.

A thought form is different from the normal, everyday-thoughts. These kind of thoughts lack the structure of the thought form, which in contrary, are intentionally created -or “programmed”- by the strong will of a “sender” (in other words, the creator of the thought) in order to carry out a specific task.  The attitude, personality and appearance of the thought form is completely dependent on the sender and his/her wishes. It is therefore extremely important to be calm and loving in mind whilst creating a thought form;  it can become very dangerous if created with negative energies.

“Greed for alcohol” according to Annie Besant, author of Thought Forms (1901).

Thought forms can be directed toward anyone (say, if the thought form’s task is to protect a loved one from harm), but to be effective they must latch onto a similar vibration in the other person’s aura. If they are unable to do so, they can bounce back on the sender. Therefore, if directing evil toward another person one runs the risk of having it returned. This is why a positive state of mind and setting a task of good will is so important when creating thought forms.

It has been said that when thought-forms are forcibly produced they could leave images on photographic film. Such is the power of the human thought.